b. Drill an 1/8" hole in the leading edge of the wing at each indentation. Check the location of the holes in reference with the
cross marks. If necessary shift the holes to align with the cross marks by drilling a slightly larger hole, hold pressure on the
drill to "walk" the hole into alignment with the cross marks. Enlarge the holes to 1/4" and drill clear through the bottom
leading edge block (B-5). Keep the drill perpendicular to the leading edge and parallel to the centerline of the airfoil.
Remove the wing dowels from F-3, place a piece of waxed paper over the face of F-3 and reinsert the dowels 1/2" through
the waxed paper leaving 1" exposed.
Trial fit the wing onto the dowels and into the wing opening. The wing should seat firmly in place without gaps, but should
not be so tight as to mark the balsa sheeting. If necessary, carefully enlarge the holes in the wing leading edge until the
wing seats properly.
When satisfied with the fit of the wing to the wing dowels and the fuselage opening, coat the inside of the holes in the
leading edge of the wing with epoxy and slide the wing onto the wing dowels. Align the marks on the wing with those on
the fuselage, tape or pin the wing securely and let the epoxy cure. Remove the wing and fill any gaps around the dowels
with more epoxy.
Shape the basswood Bottom Wing Mounts (B-2) to fit the notch in the fuselage
doublers. The side that is in contact with the fuselage side must be beveled
slightly to match the dihedral angle of the bottom wing. Before gluing in place
each B-2 needs to fit snugly against the fuselage side, Former F-5 and the top of
the bottom wing. Glue both B-2 in place after you are satisfied with their fit.
Cut two 1-1/2" lengths of 1/2" balsa triangular stock to brace both B-2. Glue a
triangular brace between the top of each B-2 and the fuselage doubler - don’t be
stingy with the glue!
On the bottom of the bottom wing mark the location of the two holes for the wing
bolts on the plywood reinforcing plates. Visually confirm that a hole drilled at this
location will pass through the approximate center of each B-2.
Seat the wing in the fuselage opening and tape securely in place - check the
matchup of the alignment marks. With a #7 or 13/64" drill bit, drill two holes
through the bottom wing and B-2. Make every effort to keep the holes
perpendicular to the bottom of the wing so that the heads of the wing bolts will
seat flat on the bottom of the wing.
Remove the wing and soak the holes in both B-2 with CA. AFTER the CA has cured tap both holes 1/4 - 20. Apply a few
drops of CA to each hole to strengthen the threads. After the CA has cured retap the hole to cleanup the threads.
Enlarge the holes in the wing to 1/4" to accept the wing bolts. Soak the holes with CA and AFTER the CA has cured redrill
the holes for a close fitting and long wearing wing bolt hole.
Pin the stabilizer and elevator plan to
the building board and cover with
waxed paper.
Pin in place and glue the laser cut parts
S-1, S-2, and S-3.
Cut to length and glue in place the
1/4"x1/2" balsa leading and trailing