Be certain to carefully range check your radio equipment and see how it operates with the engine running before
attempting test flights. A lot of problems can be avoided if the engine has been well broken in and the idle adjustment
perfected on a test block or in another airplane before installation in the model.
A properly balanced and aligned model with a reliable engine and radio is assured of successful flights.
If you are a newcomer to model flying it is suggested that you not attempt flying
without the assistance of a modeler with experience. Contact your local club or
ask your hobby dealer for the names of good fliers in the vicinity and a suitable
location for flying. Many hours of work are involved in the construction of a model
and it can all be lost in a moment of beginner's indecision. A skilled flier can help
you get past the first critical test and trimming flights without damage to the model
and give instruction in proper control.
Hold a small amount of up elevator during the first part of the takeoff to keep the tailwheel steering effective until air speed
is high enough for the rudder to take over. The model will drift to the left from torque during takeoff. Feed in some right
rudder as soon as the tail wheel clears the ground, earlier if required. The model is not difficult to manage in the air and
can be flown by anyone who is capable of handling a multi-channel model.