When satisfied with the alignment of all the wires, solder the copper wire bindings. Use a good hot iron and sufficient
soldering paste to flow the solder completely around and through the bindings.
The 1/8"x3/4"x4-3/16" plywood strips are held to the upper arms by a brass strap. Drill some random glue anchor holes in
the strap. Bend the strap around the arm of the cabane wire. Line up the straps with the plywood strips. Use tape or
clamps to hold the pieces in position. Solder the straps to the arm. Remove the plywood strip and thoroughly clean the
brass strap and wire with thinner. Glue the plywood strips to the brass straps. Use an even coat of epoxy glue on the
inside of the strap. Smooth out the excess epoxy that oozes to the outside of the strap before it hardens.
(Note: During the soldering operation, you may want to substitute a piece of scrap 1/8" plywood, cut to 4-3/16" long, for the
good plywood pieces you will finally use. The soldering paste will soak into the plywood and may keep the epoxy glue from
After the brass straps are stuck down evenly to the plywood, use a sanding block to take down the worst high spots and
smooth out any snags. Then cover the entire platform (meaning the plywood strip and brass straps) with a coat of epoxy
When dry, place the cabane struts in the fuselage and set the top wing in position. Check the alignment of the top wing
with the fuselage carefully, especially from the front and top views. Measure from several places until you are satisfied that
the alignment is correct. Hold the wing in position and drill through the cabane strut platform and hardwood insert blocks
with a No.7 drill. Check the top wing plan for the approximate loaction of the holes. Avoid drilling into the 5/16" sq. top
spar. Remove the wing and tap the holes in the hardwood inserts with a 1/4-20 tap. Enlarge the holes in the platform with
a 1/4" diameter drill to pass the nylon wing bolts. Fill in the openings in the top sheeting above the wing bolts with 1/16"
Epoxy pieces of 1/8" sq. balsa to the struts as indicated on the fuselage side view. Sand them to streamline shape. Fill in
the open areas over the wires with Epoxolite putty.
To permanently install the cabane struts in the brass tubing mounts, nick the wire at intervals with a file and glue them into
the tubing with epoxy. However, it is easiest to cover and finish the fuselage before permanently gluing in the struts.
Bottom Wing Assembly
Note that the bottom wing is basically
constructed in three sections - a flat
center section, a right wing panel, and a
left wing panel.
Cut three 3/16"x5/16" bottom spar
pieces and three 3/16"x3/8" rear spar
pieces to length for the left, center and
right wing panels. Pin to the plan.
Glue all ribs in place on the spars except
ribs WB.
Fit the T.E. into the ledge on the right
and left wing panel ribs and glue. Note
that the 90 degree corner is up.
Add 3/32" gussets to all WE ribs except the tip rib.
Add top 5/16" spars to the right and left wing panels gluing to all ribs WC, WD, and WE. Note that the top spar extends into
the center section but shouldn't be glued there yet.
Add 1/8"x1/2" L. E. to right and left panels.
When dry, unpin right and left panels and block up the tips 5/8" each. See front view drawing on Plate 1 of full size plans.
Bevel the center section bottom and rear spars to fit tightly against the corresponding spars in the outer panels and glue in