piece of masking tape. Remove the card wedge from one of the
hinges and carefully apply four (4) drops of thin CA glue to each
side of the exposed hinge - two (2) drops on each side of the die-
cut slot. Note that using a fine applicator tip on the CA bottle is of
great help in better controlling the flow of glue. Remove the card
wedge from next hinge and once again apply four (4) small drops
of CA glue to each side of the exposed hinge. Remove the last
card wedge and apply CA glue to the hinge.
4) Remove the tape holding the flexed aileron to the wing
panel and flex the aileron in the opposite direction, again, using
masking tape to hold the aileron in this position. Turn the wing
panel over and apply four drops of CA glue to each exposed edge
of each hinge, exactly as before. Remove the tape holding the
aileron and return the aileron to its centered position. Because it
takes a little time for the CA glue to fully wick through the surface
of the hinge and into the surrounding wood, allow at least 10
minutes before flexing the aileron.
Any excess glue drops or
smears can be quickly cleaned up using SIG CA Debonder.
5) After sufficient time has passed, briskly flex the aileron up
and down on the wing panel to create free and easy movement.
We, also suggest pulling on the aileron at each hinge location,
making sure all three hinges are firmly in place.
Hinge the
opposite aileron using this same procedure.
6) Turn the wing panels upside down on your work surface.
Note that the aileron cover/mount is in place with screws. Remove
the screws and then, remove the cover. Mark these covers, noting
them as "left" and "right". Also, note that a short piece of wood
with a string tied to it is visible through the cover opening. This is
one end of the string that will be used to pull the aileron servo lead
through the wing. The opposite end of this string can be found,
tied to another scrap piece of wood at the round opening in the
bottom center section of the wing panels.
7) Prepare the two aileron servos for mounting by first
installing the rubber grommets and eyelets that came with your
radio system into the mounting lugs of each servo. Place long
servo arms onto the servo output shafts, at 90
to the servo
bodies. Position the servo on the back side of the hatch so that the
servo is centered on the hatch and the servo arm is centered
within the servo arm slot. With the servo in this position, use a
sharp pencil to mark the position of the mounting lugs. Repeat this
step for the opposite aileron cover/hatch.
8) Use epoxy or thick CA to glue two 20 mm x 20 mm x 10 mm
hardwood servo mounting blocks to each aileron cover as shown.
When the glue has set, the servos can be mounted to the
hatch/mounts using the servo mounting screws that came with
your radio system. Use a 1/16" dia. bit to drill pilot holes for the
servo mounting screws.
9) In this step, you will center both aileron servos and check
their movement for the correct direction. Connect the two aileron
servos to the Y-harness.
Plug the Y-harness into the aileron
receptacle in the receiver. Turn your transmitter on and plug your
airborne battery pack into the battery receptacle in your receiver.
Be sure the aileron trim lever on the transmitter is in neutral. If
necessary, remove the servo arm retaining screws and reposition
the servo arms to as close to 90
to the servo as possible.
Move the transmitter aileron stick left and right to determine if the
servos are moving in the correct directions to produce the correct
aileron movement. The right aileron servo should "push" back
toward the aileron for right aileron while the left aileron servo arm
"pulls" forward. If this is how your servos are moving, they are
moving correctly. If they are moving in the wrong direction, use the
servo-reversing feature in your transmitter to reverse the
movement. Once again, check the position of the output arms to
make sure they are pointing straight down at 90
to the servo body.
Once satisfied, replace the servo arm retaining screws.
Disconnect the servos from the receiver and Y-harness and turn off
the radio system.
The right and left aileron servos are now installed onto the right
and left aileron servo mount/hatches, using the screws supplied
with your radio system.
10) Install a 12" servo extension lead onto each servo lead. We
suggest using heat shrink tubing or tape to secure these two lead
connections. In the aileron hatch opening, in the wing panel, break
the scrap piece of wood loose that has the servo lead extension
string attached to it. Cut the scrap piece of wood away, leaving just
the end of the string. Securely tie the string end to the end of the
servo extension connector. At the wing panel center section area,
locate the scrap piece of wood that is holding the opposite end of
the retrieval string. Break the scrap piece of wood away from the
wing. This end of the string is now used to gently pull the servo
extension lead through the wing panel and out of the round hole at
the center section.