a. Use the dihedral gauge side of
the laser cut plywood dual tool to
set the root rib (W-1) at the
proper dihedral angle (2°). Glue
the root rib to the spars and
trailing edge sheet.
b. Glue all the previously positioned
a. Glue the pre-shaped 5/16"x5/16"x36" balsa leading edge to the leading edge of the wing ribs.
b. Cut and sand the dihedral angle on one end of the 1" x 1" angled shaped wing dowel support blocks. When the
angle and length are correct glue the block in place between the two W-1 wing ribs and the leading edge.
c. With a X-Acto saw cut the two W-1 wing ribs in half where the laser cut guides are. This leaves space for the
dihedral brace.
d. Glue in the top main spar and the top rear spar. It is critical that you get a good glue joint between the spar webs and
the spars, both top and bottom. Use the dual tool to keep the W-1 rib at the correct angle.
a. Form an aileron servo lead tube by wrapping one of the supplied pieces of
5"x17-1/2" plain white paper around a dowel or a small broom handle. Slide
the tube into the holes in the center wing ribs and glue in place. When the
glue has cured cut the paper tube off at the second W-1 rib
b. Glue the pre-shaped 1/4"x1/2"x36" balsa trailing edge to the top of the
trailing edge sheet and the ends of the wing ribs. Sand the top of the
trailing edge flush with the rear edge of the ribs.
c. Cut and sand the dihedral angle on one end of the pre-shaped 1/2"x1"
trailing edge fill-in blocks. When the angle and length are correct glue the
block in place between the two W-l wing ribs on the trailing edge sheet.
Trim one edge of a 3/32"x2"x36" balsa trailing edge sheet straight. For this step it
is recommended that you apply SIG-Bond to the top of the trailing edge, and the
ribs. Pin the trailing edge sheet and the trailing edge to the board to keep them
straight until the glue cures.
NOTE: Remove any pins from the structure that are located under the area where
the top center sheets will be installed. If you leave out this step you may find it
difficult to remove the wing from the building board after the next step.
All of the wing center section sheets are cut from the 3/32"x4"x36" balsa provided.
a. Cut the top center piece that fits between the trailing edge sheet and the rear spar. Trim and sand the sheet to fit and
glue it in place. SIG-BOND is recommended for gluing all of the center sheets to the ribs and spars as it is easier to
sand the joints smooth.
b. Cut, fit and glue the rest of the top center sheets.
c. After the glue on the center section sheets has cured cut two 3/16"x1/2" slots in the top leading edge sheet at the W-
3 wing rib. Glue the two 3/16"x3/16"x36" top forward spars in these slots and in the top of all of the ribs. When the
glue has cured remove the wing panel from the building board.