2" wide fiberglass tape can be applied to the wing center joint (top and bottom) using the following method:
a. Cut the tape to length - one piece from trailing edge, around the leading edge and back to the trailing edge.
b. Lightly spray one side of the tape with a spray adhesive such as 3M "77".
c. Center the tape on the wing center joint and press in place all the way around the wing.
d. Flow THIN CA glue into the tape with a side-to-side motion. As the glass tape turns clear move down the tape until
the complete length of the tape is glued. Remove any extra glue with a clean rag. Try not to flood the tape with
excess glue as it will cure quickly, causing bumps and snags in the tape - bummer, more sanding.
e. When the CA has cured, sand the joint lightly to remove any rough spots. Try not to sand into the fiberglass tape
Glue the two laser cut 1/16" plywood wing hold down plates to the bottom of the wing, flush with the wing trailing edge and
centered on the wing joint.
Sand the trailing edge of the ailerons round. Sand two 300 bevels on the leading edge of the ailerons with a sanding block.
A pencil line drawn down the center of the ailerons will help keep the bevels symmetrical.
Tape the aileron to the wing with the outboard end of the aileron slightly past the wingtip. Sand the outboard end of the
aileron flush and square with the wingtip.
Aileron Servo Installation
a. Cut four hatch rails from the special-cut 1/4"x1/2"x16" basswood stick provided in the kit. Glue the hatch rails flush
with the bottom edge of the W-4 wing ribs in each wing panel. The hatch rails provide a seat for the aileron hatch and
a flat surface for attaching the covering material.
b. Lay one laser cut 1/16" plywood hatch on the right wing panel rails and drill four 1/16" holes in the rails using the
holes in the hatch as a guide. The hatch is held in place with four #2 x3/8" sheet metal screws.
c. Repeat step 17b. for the other hatch. Be sure to mark each hatch so you can tell later which hatch goes with which
wing panel!
d. Cut four 3/8"x1/2"x7/8" pieces out of the 3/8"x1/2"x6" basswood to use as aileron servo mounts.
e. Place a 1/32" shim the size of the aileron servo on the workbench. Lay the servo down on the shim and stand the
basswood mounts on end on the workbench and against the servo. Mark the location of the servo mounting screws
and drill four 1/16" pilot holes for the screws.
f. Mount the servo to the basswood mounts using the grommets, eyelets and screws included with your radio.
g. Position the servo with mounts on the hatch cover and center the servo arm in the slot. Glue the servo mounts to the
hatch cover. When the glue has cured remove the servo from the mounts and apply a second coat of glue to the
mount and hatch cover.
h. Repeat steps 17e. through 17g. for the other aileron servo. Be careful, make a left and a right servo/hatch assembly.