Wood Parts Identification
Wood parts such as standard stick and sheet stock, leading edges, trailing edges, ailerons, elevator, etc., are all easily
identifiable by comparing their shape and dimensions to the plans and the "4-STAR 60 COMPLETE PARTS LIST"; therefore we
did not feel that there was any need to label these parts. On the other hand, proper identification of the different wing ribs, wing
sheet, fuselage formers, etc., can be confusing because some of them are very similar looking, but in fact they are different.
Wherever possible, we have labeled (printed) these parts.
About The Wood In The Kit
We strive to supply good quality materials in all SIG kits. However, wood is a highly variable material (unlike man-made plastic
or metal), so every single wood part in a kit will probably not have flawless appearance. Often things that look like an
imperfection are actually quite acceptable when you consider the function the part will serve. Mineral stains and tiny knots do
not seriously affect balsa wood strength. Also, there is a natural tendency for some balsa sticks and sheets to immediately bow
upon being cut off from a perfectly square block due to internal stresses in the wood. In most cases, bows in wood parts (such
as leading edges) readily straighten out as they are glued into a structural unit. Likewise LitePly fuselage sides, formers, and
doublers that are warped will usually straighten right out when they are glued in place. If you are in doubt about the suitability of
any part in your kit for it's intended purpose, call or write to us for assistance and/or a replacement part.
Laser-Cut Balsa
2 3/32"x3"x18" SHT.# 1 - W-1
(Wing Ribs)
1 3/32"x3"x18" SHT.# 2 - W-2
(Wing Ribs)
1 3/32"x3"x18" SHT.# 3 - W-3
(Wing Ribs)
3 3/32"x3"x18" SHT.# 4 - W-
4 (Wing Ribs)
5 3/32"x3"x18" SHT.# 5 - W-5
(Wing Ribs)
1 3/32"x6"x24" SHT.# 6 - Top Deck
Sheet F-4T, F-5T
1 3/32"x2"x36" SHT.# 7 - Rear Spar
1 3/32"x4"x36" SHT.# 8 -
Main Spar Webs
1 3/32"x3"x24" SHT.# 9 - Diagonal
Wing Braces D-1 ,D-2,F-1 ,T-2,T-3
1 3/32"x3"x24" SHT.# 10 - Diagonal
Wing Braces D-2
1 3/8"x4"x36" SHT.# 11 - Elevators
and Rudder
1 1/4"x4"x36" SHT.# 12 -
Stabilizer and Fin
Balsa Sheet
4 3/32"x2"x36" Wing Trailing Edge
4 1/16"x3"x36" Stabilizer and Fin
2 3/32"x4"x36" Wing Center Sheet
Balsa Sticks
8 3/16"x3/16"x36" Forward Spars
6 1/4"x1/2"x36" Main Spars and
5 1/8"x5/16"x24" Rear Fuselage
4 1/4"x1/4"x36" Rear Wing
1 3/4" Triangle x18" Firewall, Wing
Bolt Blocks, Landing Gear Plate
1 1/2" Triangle x6" Tail Fairing
1 1/4"x3/8"x36" Stabilizer and Fin
1 1/4"x5/8"x12" Fin Trailing
Special-Cut Balsa
2 5/16"x36" Leading Edges
2 1/4"x1/2"x36" Trailing Edges
1 1/2"x1"x6" Trailing Edge Fill-In
1 1"x1"x6" Wing Dowel
Support Blocks
2 3/8"x1-5/16"x2-3/8" Ailerons
Laser-Cut Lite-Ply Plywood
1 1/8"x4-1/2"x6" SHT.# 13 Fuselage
Top, Stab Mount
2 1/8"x6"x42" SHT.# 14 Fuselage
Rear, Tip Rib
1 1/8"x4-1/2"x32" SHT.# 15
Fuselage Bottom, APG,HR,TWM,
and Dual Tool
1 1/8"x6"x24" SHT.# 16
Fuselage Formers and Tank
1 1/8"x9-1/2"x5" SHT.# 17 Fuselage
Bottom Front
2 1/8"x6"x38" SHT.# 18 Fuselage
Front and Fuselage Doublers
Laser-Cut Birch Plywood
1 1/16"x4"x9-1/2" SHT.# 19 Hatch
Covers, Wing Hold-Down Plates
1 1/8"x4"x15" SHT.# 20 3ply
Dihedral Brace, Servo Tray, F-2D
1 1/4"x4"x8" SHT.# 21 5 ply
Firewall, Landing Gear Plate
2 3/4"x3/4"x1-1/2" Basswood Wing
Hold-Down Blocks
2 1/4"x1-3/4" Wing Dowels
1 1/4"x1/2"x16" Basswood Grooved
Hatch Rails
1 3/8"x1/2"x6" Basswood
Aileron Servo Mounts
Wire Parts
1 1/8" dia. Pre-Bent Elevator Joiner
2 4-40 x8" Aileron Pushrods
4 2-56 x10" Elevator and Rudder
Push rods
1 3/32 dia. x7" Tailwheel Wire
With Nylon Bracket
8 #2 x3/8" Sheet Metal Screws
(Hatch Covers)
8 #2 x3/4" Sheet Metal Screws
2 #4 x1/2" Sheet Metal Screws
(Tailwheel Bracket)
3 6-32 x1/2" Machine Bolts
(Landing Gear)
4 6-32 x1" Machine Bolts (Motor
2 6-32 x1-1/2" Machine Bolts (Axles) 4 6-32 Hex Nuts (Axles)
2 6-32 Lock Nuts (Axles)
2 4-40 Hex Nuts (Aileron Pushrods)
2 2-56 Hex Nuts (Elevator, Rudder
Push rods)
7 6-32 Blind Nuts (Main Gear and
Motor Mounts)
3 #2 Flat Washers (Tailwheel
1 Small (Right) Nylon Control Horn
1 Small (Left) Nylon Control Horn
2 Med. (Right) Nylon Control Horn
(Rudder and Elev.)
2 1/4-20 x1-1/2" Nylon Wing