Operation and Configuration Guide 3.14
Group Sentences in a Single UDP Packet
: enable (select) or
disable (de-select) sending of all NMEA sentences in a single packet.
TAIP Messaging
: allows for the following response messages:
AL: Altitude/Up Velocity
CP: Compact Position Solution
ID: Identification Number
LN: Long Navigational Message
PV: Position/Velocity Solution
ST: Status
TM: Time/Date
Both local and remote consumers can be defined. The report intervals for
each are defined in seconds.
Vehicle ID
: unique four-character alpha-numeric vehicle identifier
Top of Hour
: not supported.
: enable or disable based on the requirements of the application
receiving the data.
: enable or disable based on the requirements of the appli-
cation receiving the data.
Local Forwarding
: data can be sent via TCP, UDP, and Serial (RS-232). Use
of TCP clients is discouraged since a poorly behaved client can block connec-
tions and impede operation of the GPS system. The oMG does not enforce a
minimum value (fastest forwarding) but intervals faster than five seconds are
not recommended.
The local consumer is defaulted to Port 9345 using TCP. UDP and serial
broadcast are disabled by default.
To receive data via the serial port:
Ensure the use field is assigned to Application under the
Devices > Serial tab.
Connect a null modem cable with a DB-9 connector to the gateway
and the terminal.
On the GPS tab, turn on the RS-232 checkbox under the Local
Forwarding section to allow serial data forwarding.
On the GPS tab, change the communication parameters to match
those specified by the serial GPS device.
Remote Forwarding
: defines the remote consumer server list.
Server List
: Remote consumer server list
Space-separated list of IP addresses, ports, and report intervals
Format: <ip or hostname>:<port>
<ip or hostname>:<port>#<report_interval[1,3600]>
Event Thresholds
: these apply only to the manner in which the oMG reports
GPS events to the AMM. The thresholds are based on time, speed, and
distance. For each threshold type, High and Critical thresholds are defined.
For low-cost WAN links, the oMG will send GPS information when a High
threshold is crossed; for WAN links that are defined as High Cost the oMG