Operation and Configuration Guide 3.14
information about Recovery settings see
This feature does not apply to non PPP cellular modems.
Recovery Time (seconds)
: the amount of time, in seconds, before the
Call Down Recovery procedure is activated.
: one or more VPN configurations can be defined under WAN > VPN. On
oMGs running 3.14 only one VPN can be applied to each WAN link. oMG
3.14 and above support the application of multiple VPNs to a WAN link. Note
that each of the VPNs in a multi-VPN selection must be LAN to LAN.
Load Balanced
: when enabled on two or more active WAN links, traffic can
be distributed across these links. Traffic distribution is controlled using the
Weight field (see below).
: used with the Load Balanced option to distribute traffic over the
various links. The system divides the value for Weight by the accumulated
total of Weight values assigned to all links, to determine the ratio around
which sessions will be distributed.
Split Access
: allows an incoming session to initiate on a link even when the
link is not the active (i.e. default route) link but is connected to the network.
This is useful for test purposes on cellular links that have public IP addresses.
It also enables applications such as live video look-in to a cellular interface
even if the active connection is via another WAN (e.g. WiFi).
Enable Custom txqueuelen
: when enabled, the specified number of packets
will be held in the transmit buffer of the WAN interface. This helps to prevent
packets from being dropped on slower WAN connections. This field should
not be changed without assistance from Sierra Wireless.
Signal Strength Change Threshold (dBm)
: the threshold for sending DELS
events to the AMM based on a change in signal strength. Since the signal
strength could vary continuously, an event is only sent if the change which
occurred since the last report is greater than this threshold.
Search for 4G Networks (if applicable)
: when enabled, an aggressive
search for a 4G network is performed. The Period specifies the length of time
between checks for a connection to a 4G network. If the device is not
connected to a 4G network, the oMG will trigger the card to bounce the link
so that it can try to connect to a 4G network. This "bounce" mechanism will
vary between sending a couple of AT commands to the card and completely
power cycling the card; the method depends on what the card supports.
Enable advanced module recovery/Recovery interval
: when enabled, the
card is power cycled if it is unable to connect during the prescribed recovery
Reset Card on Disconnect
: when enabled, the card will be reset by power
cycling it whenever the link for the card is disconnected. Note: this option
must be enabled for Verizon Dynamic IP networks and disabled for Verizon
Static IP networks.
Allow static IP
: when enabled, allows access to a static IP network. This
subscriber setting must be set according to the service provider (i.e. what the
provider (e.g. Verizon) refers to as a "static IP" network). This must be deter-
mined before installation and deployment.
Signal Polling Interval
: specifies how often the oMG will check to see if the
connection is still valid. The default is two seconds.