Configuration Settings
Rev 4 May.17
Broadcast SSID
: tells the WiFi device whether to broadcast its SSID. By
default the SSID will be broadcast.
Enable WMM
: determines whether the device should enable support for
WMM (Wireless MultiMedia extensions). For 802.11b/g, the default value is
off/unchecked; for 802.11n, the value is on and cannot be changed.
Enable AP Isolation
: when enabled, prevents clients that are connected to
the oMG’s access point from accessing each other.
MAC Address Control List
: filters access based on the MAC addresses
connecting to the oMG via the access point. This field can be set as follows:
(default): disables MAC address filtering.
: filters in whitelist mode. In whitelist mode, only devices whose
MAC addresses matching those in the “white list” file (/opt/inmotiontech-
nology/config/global.accept.txt) are allowed to connect to the access
: filters in blacklist mode. In blacklist mode, devices whose MAC
addresses are found in the “black list” file (/opt/inmotiontechnology/config/
global.deny.txt) are prevented from connecting to the access point.
The whitelist/black list file is created using a text editor and then emailed to
Sierra Wireless Technical Support who will push the file to the oMG. The for-
mat of the file must abide by the following:
Files must be in plain ASCII text
Comment lines may be used and will start with the octothorpe (#)
Blank lines are permitted
Only one MAC address per line
MAC addresses in the form: 11:22:33:44:55:66
Lines with malformed addresses are ignored. When a malformed address
is encountered, it is logged in /opt/inmotiontechnology/logs/YYYY-MM-
The following is an example of this file content:
# List of MAC addresses that are not allowed to
authenticate (IEEE 802.11)
# with the AP.
: specifies the type of encryption to be used by the access point.
When set to a value other than None, the LCI will display fields for entering
the information required for proper configuration of the encryption. The
encryption options displayed in this selection are restricted to the options that
are valid for the network type (see above). The following is a list of options
that will be available based on the selected encryption type:
WEP Key Length
: specifies the size of the key to be used. Can be set to
40 or 104 bits.
: specifies the key to be used.
Retype WEP Key
: retype the WEP key to ensure it was entered correctly.