2.4 Check of battery
Battery for 24V power supply to CNC unit
The battery for 24V power supply to CNC unit may not be used in your machine. Please see
the document published by machine tool builder.
Battery type
24V sealed lead-acid battery (secondary battery)
Order number: 6EP1935-6MD31 (2.5Ah, 60
6EP1935-6MD11 (3.2Ah, 40
Battery life
The maintenance period should be scheduled on the basis of guide line of battery life
indicated in the following table.
Criteria of replacing battery
Uninterruptible power supply module (DC UPS module) check if battery module can supply
electrical power sufficiently and make alarm (red) LED blink in front of DC UPS module
when a defect of the battery module is detected.
• Alarm (red) LED in normal operation indicates no capability of power supply from battery module
because of incorrect setting of DIP switch on DC UPS module, disconnection or reverse polar
connection between DC UPS module and battery module or defective battery module.
• Alarm concerned with battery module may be announced by other way than LED using output
signal from DC UPS module. Please refer to the document published by machine tool builder.
Table 2.8 Guide line of battery life
Ambient temperature
13 years
3 years
4 years
2 years
• Shut down sequence for CNC software must be complete before turning off the power supply for
control of CNC unit if Alarm LED light up on DC UPS module.
Otherwise buffered memory data could be lost or no system software could launch.