2.2 Check of Servomotor and Servo Unit
Check of Servo Unit
The following table summarizes how to check the Servo Unit. You need not conduct a daily
check; however, conduct a check once a year at least.
A guide line of parts replacement timing
The following parts become worn or degraded over years. Conduct a periodical check.
As to the Servo Units that we made an overall repair, we are returning them to users with
resetting their drive specific machine data to initial values. Be sure to check drive specific
machine data before starting operation.
Above table is described supposing:
• Ambient temperature: 30 °C on average
• Load factor
: 80% or less
• Availability
: 20 hours or less per day
Table 2.2 Check of Servo Unit
Check item
Check timing
Check method
Corrective action
Cleaning of body
and board
Once per year
at least
Shall be free from adherent
matters such as dirt, dust, and oil.
Clean with a cloth or
Loose screw
Once per year
at least
Fixing screws shall not be loose
on terminal blocks and connectors
Retighten the screws.
Failed parts on body
or boards
Once per year
at least
Shall be free from discoloration
resulting from heat generation,
breakage, wire-break.
Contact our service
Table 2.3 Periodical parts check
Part name
replacement timing
Replacement method etc.
Cooling fan
4-5 years
Replace with new one.
Smoothing capacitor
7-8 years
Replace with new one (after a check).
Determine after a check.
10 years
Replace with new one.
Aluminum electrolytic capacitor
on print circuit board
5 years
Replace entire board with new one
(after a check).