Weighing Functions
5.6.14 DR 7 - RS232- Printer transfer control
The transfer control parameters for the RS232 interfaces can be defined as
XON/XOFF (for printer protocol only)
0: XON/XOFF transmission control OFF
1: XON/XOFF transmission control ON
RTS/CTS (for printer protocol only)
0: CTS/RTS transmission control OFF
1: CTS/RTS transmission control ON
Parity: even
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
5.6.15 DR 7 – Protocol selection for RS 485
The following protocols can be set for the RS485 interface
0 - No protocol
1 - Protocol for the S11 display from Siebert
2 - Reserved
3 - Protocol for the S102 display from Siebert
5.6.16 DR 7 - Decimal Place for Remote Display
If a Siebert display is to be connected to the RS485 interface then the decimal
place for displaying the non-calibratable process values can be defined.
5.6.17 DR 7 – RS 485-Baudrate
The following protocols can be set for the RS485 interface:
0 = 1200 Bit/sec
1 = 2400 Bit/sec
2 = 4800 Bit/sec
3 = 9600 Bit/sec
4 = 19200 Bit/sec
5 = 38400 Bit/sec