104BWeb server
11.2 Standard web pages
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 11/2011, A5E02486680-05
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is supported by the Web server. You can access the
standard Web pages and user-defined Web pages with an URL of either
http://ww.xx.yy.zz or https://ww.xx.yy.zz, where "ww.xx.yy.zz" represents the IP address
of the CPU.
Siemens provides a security certificate for secure access to the Web server. From the
Introduction standard Web page (Page 478), you can download and import the certificate
into the Internet options of your Web browser (Page 490). If you choose to not import the
certificate, you will get a security verification prompt every time you access the Web
server with https://.
Features restricted when JavaScript is disabled
The standard Web pages are implemented using HTML, JavaScripts, and cookies. If your
site restricts the use of JavaScripts and cookies, then enable them for the pages to function
properly. If you cannot enable JavaScripts for your Web browser, the features controlled by
JavaScripts cannot run.
The pages do not update dynamically. You must manually refresh the page with the Refresh
icon (Page 476) to view fresh data.
Diagnostic Buffer page
Displaying the event details: With JavaScript, you select a row in the diagnostic buffer to
see the details in the bottom section. Without JavaScript, you must click the event field
hyperlink of a diagnostic buffer entry to see the event data in the bottom section.
Changing the range of diagnostic buffer entries to view: With JavaScript, you use the
drop-down list at the top to select the range of diagnostic buffer entries to view, and the
page automatically updates. Without JavaScript, you use the drop-down list at the top to
select the range of diagnostic buffer entries to view, but you must then click the "Go" link
to update the diagnostic buffer page with the range you selected from the drop-down list.
Note that the "Go" and the event field hyperlinks are only visible when JavaScript is not
enabled. They are not necessary and therefore are not present when JavaScript is enabled.
The Opera V11.0 browser does not support the "Go" button or hyperlinked diagnostic
entries. With Opera V11.0, you cannot access event details or change the range if you have
disabled JavaScript.
Module Information page
You cannot filter the data.
You cannot sort fields.