102BTechnology instructions
9.3 Basic motion control
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 11/2011, A5E02486680-05
Constant velocity
The axis travels at constant velocity.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.StatusBits.ConstantVelocity)
The axis decelerates (slows down).
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.StatusBits.Deceleration)
Table 9- 54 Status of the motion mode
The axis executes a positioning task of motion control instruction "MC_MoveAbsolute" or
"MC_MoveRelative" or of the control panel.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.StatusBits.PositioningCommand)
Speed Command
The axis executes a task at set speed of motion control instruction "MC_MoveVelocity" or
"MC_MoveJog" or of the control panel.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.StatusBits.SpeedCommand)
The axis executes a homing task of motion control instruction "MC_Home" or the control
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.StatusBits.Homing)
Table 9- 55 Error bits
Min software limit reached
The lower software limit switch has been reached.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.ErrorBits.SwLimitMinReached)
Min software limit exceeded
The lower software limit switch has been exceeded.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.ErrorBits.SwLimitMinExceeded)
Max software limit reached
The upper software limit switch has been reached.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.ErrorBits.SwLimitMaxReached)
Max software limit exceeded
The upper software limit switch has been exceeded.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.ErrorBits.SwLimitMaxExceeded)
Negative hardware limit
The lower hardware limit switch has been approached.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.ErrorBits.HwLimitMin)
Positive hardware limit
The upper hardware limit switch has been approached.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.ErrorBits.HwLimitMax)
PTO and HSC already used
A second axis is using the same PTO and HSC and is enabled with "MC_Power".
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.ErrorBits.HwUsed)
Configuration error
The "Axis" technology object was incorrectly configured or editable configuration data
were modified incorrectly during runtime of the user program.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.ErrorBits.ConfigFault)
General Error
An internal error has occurred.
(Tag of technology object: <Axis name>.ErrorBits.SystemFault)