XML Report Reference Manual
Version V 3.1.3
XML Report Tag Descriptions
Page 674
CC040 Liquidating Values
CC740 Liquidating Values
6.283 cust
This field contains the customer-related information provided during
the entry of the transaction.
alphanumeric 12
CA054 Capital Adjustment Orders
CB030 Position Transfer Overview
CB063 Flx Cntr Transactn Overview
CB064 Flx Cntr Daily Transactions
CB120 Member Exception-Positions
TC541 Dly Strategy Order Maintenance
TC545 TES Trade Maintenance
TC546 Strategy TES Trade Maintenance
TC549 EBI Trade Maintenance
TC810 Daily Trade Confirmation
TE810 T7 Daily Trade Confirmation
TE812 Daily Prevented Self-Matches
6.284 custFrom
This field contains the customer-related information for the transfer
transaction, which was entered by the delivering member. It is meant
for the member's internal usage and to signify the source of the
transfer transaction.
alphanumeric 12
CB130 Give-Up Trades History
CB140 Accepted Give-Up Trades
CB150 Take-Up Trades History
CB160 Accepted Take-Up Trades