XML Report Reference Manual
Version V 3.1.3
XML Report Tag Descriptions
Page 1200
CE070 Exercise And Assign Summary
CE710 Contract Expiration
CE770 Exercise And Assign Overview
TA111 All Active/Inactive Series
6.1786 undrIdLngNam
This field contains the long name of the underlying.
alphanumeric 24
CA752 Capital Adjustment Positions Overview
CE010 In-the-money Advisory
CE030 Member Expiration
CE070 Exercise And Assign Summary
CE710 Contract Expiration
CE770 Exercise And Assign Overview
6.1787 undrIsin
This field contains the International Security Identification Number
(ISIN) of the underlying instrument.
alphanumeric 12
CC034 Theoretical Prices
CC040 Liquidating Values
CC740 Liquidating Values
CE070 Exercise And Assign Summary
CE770 Exercise And Assign Overview
TA111 All Active/Inactive Series
6.1788 undrLngQty
This field contains the underlying long quantity, which is the number of
long positions created on the underlying futures as a result of exercise
or assignment in a certain series.