XML Report Reference Manual
Version V 3.1.3
XML Report Descriptions
Page 104
CB065 System Transaction Overview
This report provides an overview of the transaction volumes and fees,
if the transaction limits are exceeded.
The information in this report is listed per clearing and exchange
member. Transactions are divided into the following classes:
- all synchronous transactions of a member, not related to a product;
- all synchronous transactions of a member, related to a product;
- all MASS-QUOTE-transactions of a member, related to a product;
For every class, the individual transaction limit (TXN-LIM) is calculated
per product, per trading day, on the basis of the number of trades a
member executes in the specific product during the current business
day. The transaction limit is calculated as follows:
TXN-LIM := max (Trade Factor * number of trades; Limit Floor)
Trade Factor and Limit Floor are product- and class specific param-
eters. The Trade Factor indicates the number of synchronous transac-
tions necessary for the maintenance of one trade. The Limit Floor
parameter is the minimum amount of transactions that a member can
perform even if the member does not trade that specific product (such
as for information purposes or take-ups).
For every class, the clearing/exchange member is charged with a fee if
the number of transactions in this class exceeds the individual trans-
action limit. The fees are graduated, depending on the percentage of
the trading volume exceeding the limit. There are three groups of fees:
0-50%, 50-100% and exceeding 100% of the transaction volume limit.
The fees for all products of one currency are accumulated.
This report is available for clearing and trading members.
XML Report Structure
M/O Text Report Heading