XML Report Reference Manual
Version V 3.1.3
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© Eurex 2017
Deutsche Börse AG (DBAG), Clearstream Banking AG (Clearstream), Eurex Frankfurt AG, Eurex Clearing
AG (Eurex Clearing) as well as Eurex Bonds GmbH (Eurex Bonds) and Eurex Repo GmbH (Eurex Repo)
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Luxembourg law. U.S. Exchange Holdings, Inc. and International Securities Exchange Holdings, Inc. (ISE)
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Eurex Clearing Asia Pte. Ltd. and Eurex Exchange Asia Pte. Ltd are corporate entities and are registered
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Eurex derivatives are currently not available for offer, sale or trading in the United States or by United States
persons (other than EURO STOXX 50
Index Futures, EURO STOXX 50
ex Financials Index Futures,
Select Dividend 30 Index Futures, EURO STOXX® Index Futures, EURO STOXX® Large/
Mid/Small Index Futures, STOXX
Europe 50 Index Futures, STOXX® Europe 600 Index Futures, STOXX
Europe 600 Banks/Industrial Goods & Services/Insurance/Media/Travel & Leisure/Utilities Futures,
STOXX® Europe Large/Mid/Small 200 Index Futures, Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index
Futures (EUR
/Mini-DAX®/MDAX®/TecDAX® Futures, SMIM
Futures, SLI Swiss Leader Index® Futures,
MSCI World (FMWO, FMWP, FMWN)/Europe (FMEU, FMEP)/ Europe Value/Europe Growth/Emerging
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Futures as well as Eurex FX, property and interest rate derivatives).