System configurations
General configuration
General OpenPCS 7configuration
In process mode, the OpenPCS 7 station communicates with the automation systems via the
operator station (OS server).
With the OpenPCS 7 station, you can access the data of redundant PCS 7 OS server pairs.
If the PCS 7 OS master server fails, the redundant OS server is automatically connected for
the next read job.
If the connection aborts during a read job, the OpenPCS 7 station also attempts to read the
data from the redundant OS server.
The OpenPCS 7 station cannot directly access the data of the BATCH server and Route
Control server. SIMATIC BATCH and SIMATIC Route Control use blocks in the automation
system. These blocks have OS tags for operator control and monitoring at the OS level. These
OS tags are available via OPC DA. SIMATIC BATCH and SIMATIC Route Control also use
an OS server as a message server. These messages are available via OPC A&E.
The data of the central archive server (CAS) is made available to the OpenPCS 7 station via
OPC HDA and OPC "H" A&E.
The OS server requires the CAS package for the OpenPCS 7 station to provide OS server
alarms archived on the CAS to an OPC client.
ET 200
ET 200
ET 200
OpenPCS 7
Plant bus
Terminal bus
PCS 7 OS clients
PCS 7 OS server
BATCH server
Route Control server
Archive server
OPC client
OpenPCS 7
Function Manual, 05/2012, A5E02780178-02