Time format of the OPC HDA server
Period of the historical data
The period is specified by the start and end time on the OPC HDA server. The specified period
defines the period examined for the historical data. When specifying the times, you will have
to maintain certain formats. A point in time can be specified in the following ways:
● Absolute in UTC.
● Relative to the local time of the OPC HDA server.
Specified in absolute form according to UTC
As default, the OPC HDA server works with the coordinated world time UTC as the timebase.
The time corresponds to the Greenwich time zone (= central European standard time minus
one hour).
Time format
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.msmsms
YYYY = year
MM = month
DD = day
hh = hour
mm = minute
ss = second
ms = millisecond
Example of an entry
2011/08/10 09:27:30.000
Specifying the point in time relative to the local time
Here, the point in time is specified relative to the local time of the OPC HDA server. You set
the local time zone in the Control Panel of your computer in "Date/Time".
Time format
The offset is the deviation from local time of the OPC HDA server.
OpenPCS 7 interface
6.4 OPC Historical Data Access (OPC HDA)
OpenPCS 7
Function Manual, 05/2012, A5E02780178-02