separated from the office network by a firewall. The OPC client that accesses the OpenPCS
7 station is located in the office network.
ET 200
OpenPCS 7 Station
Microsoft ISA
Server Firewall
Microsoft ISA
Server Firewall
Office network
Plant bus
Terminal bus
DMZ perimeter
PCS 7 security cell
PCS 7 OS server
PCS 7 OS client
OPC client
Additional information
● You can learn about the PCS 7 security concepts in the
Security ConceptPCS 7 manual.
● Documentation
Process Control System PCS 7; PC Configuration and Authorization
Settings in the Windows Firewall for Open PCS 7
Windows Firewall settings
When the OpenPCS 7 station is outside the network (subnet) of the PCS 7 system, settings
need to be made in the Windows Firewall on all OS servers which are to access to the
OpenPCS 7 station.
System configurations
5.8 Settings in the Windows Firewall for Open PCS 7
OpenPCS 7
Function Manual, 05/2012, A5E02780178-02