SICAM RTUs, SICAM MIC System Description
MC6-054-2.00, Edition 07.2014
CAEx plus
Tool for the creation of application programs (Computer Aided Engineering), based on the tool logiCAD ®
from the company logi.cals ®
Common Adress of the
ASDU, that part of the ASDU, that is common for all ASDUs of a station
Cause of transmission
Spontaneous transmission, general interrogation data, periodical data, command preparation, command
command activation (acc. to IEC 60870-5-101)
Class 1 data
If several data points are to be transmitted to the central station (spontaneous or on request) at the same
time, the Class 1 data will be sent before the Class 2 data (priority).
With dial-up traffic, data of the Class 1 lead to a spontaneous connection setup and data transmission.
Class 2 data
If several data points are to be transmitted to the central station (spontaneous or on request) at the same
time, the Class 2 data will be sent after the Class 1 data.
With dial-up traffic, the connection setup and the data transmission takes place only upon interrogation by
the central station.
Command direction
Transmission facility from the central station to a substation
Command return information
The command return information is an additional information for the double-point information, displays the
reason for the status change (breaker tripping or switching operation in progress)
Configuration is used in a multiple meaning:
a) engineering of the configuration of an automation unit in the engineering tool
b) physical aligning and mounting of the configured hardware
– plugging in the slot defined by the configuration (slot addressing), or
– setting the address defined by the configuration, and plugging in an arbitrary slot (adjustable address)
Cause of Transmission
Central Processing Unit
Clear to Send, handshake control line of an RS-232 interface
Cyclic transmission
Periodical transmission according to the scan rate of the application program
Data class
This assignment is specified in the standard IEC 60870-5-101/-104, and serves for the priorization of in-
formation objects for the transmission by the communication function:
Class 1 data
Class 2 data
Dataflow routing
Functions and methods for distribution of messages to ist targets: