SICAM RTUs, SICAM MIC System Description
MC6-054-2.00, Edition 07.2014
Purpose of this manual
This manual describes the characteristics and functions of the system SICAM MIC. It contains
Fields of application and advantages of the system
Configuration possibilities
Functional overviews
Technical specifications
Order information
Target Group
The document you are reading right now is addressed to users, who are in charge of the fol-
lowing engineering tasks:
Evaluation of the suitability of the system
Evaluation of the module specifications
Evaluation of quotation criteria, such as technical specifications of the system or environ-
mental conditions
Conceptual activities, such as design and configuration
Recommendations for Third-Party Products
Siemens does neither receive liability nor warranty for recommendations which are given or
implied by this manual. For the correct and intended use of the respective product the associ-
ated technical descriptions must be paid attention to in any case.
References to Third-Party Web Sites
Siemens is not responsible for the contents of third-party websites mentioned in this docu-
ment, as well as the correctness of the publications and links. For all product information the
respective manufacturer is responsible.