Function Packages
SICAM RTUs, SICAM MIC System Description
MC6-054-2.00, Edition 07.2014
Parameter-settable telecontrol functions with or without time tagging
Communication via selectable protocols to arbitrary superior automation units
Monitoring of the communication upon failure
Automatic or selective data flow routing
Priority based data transmission (priority control)
Own circular buffer and process image for each connected station (data keeping)
Communication within the automation unit
Special application specific functions for dial-up traffic
Test if stations are reachable
An application program may evaluate telephone charges
Parameter setup allows the telephone line to be used efficiently with respect to connection
charges (e.g. command output possible only if a connection exists)
Process Periphery:
Acquisition and preprocessing of local peripheraly (monitor direction)
Single-point and double-point information items
Counting pulses
Currents and voltages
Postprocessing and output to local periphery (control direction)
Single-point information items
Single and double commands
Setpoint values via currents and voltages
Transmission of spontaneous information objects from and to peripheral elements, via the se-
rial TM bus
Monitoring of the I/O modules, failure management
Archiving of events