Heating and D.h.w. Controller RVL481
Building Technologies
28 Communication
If the RVL481 with a connected QAW70 is isolated from the mains network and then
reconnected, the following parameters on the QAW70 will be overwritten with the set-
tings made on the RVL481:
Time of day and weekday
Complete heating program
Room temperature setpoint of REDUCED heating
Room temperature setpoint of REDUCED heating
NORMAL d.h.w temperature setpoint
This means that the RVL481 is always the data master.
28.2 Combination with SYNERGYR central unit
Based on the room temperature of the individual apartments, the OZW30 central unit
(software version 3.0 or higher) generates a load compensation signal. This signal is
passed on via the LPB to the RVL481 where it produces an appropriate change of the
flow temperature setpoint.
28.3 Communication with other devices
The RVL481 offers the following communication choices:
Signaling the heat demand of several RVL481 to the heat source
Exchange of locking and forced signals
Exchange of measured values such as outside temperature, return temperature and
flow temperature, as well as clock signals
Controller RVL481 is not compatible with the RVL469; RVL479 is downward com-
Exchange of error messages
For detailed information about the communication via LPB, refer to the following pieces
of documentation:
Data Sheet 2030, "Basic System Data"
Data Sheet 2032, "Basic Engineering Data"
Overriding the QAW70
entries from the RVL481