CE1G2265xx 18.11.2005
3 Notes
The local regulations for electrical installations must be
complied with
If the reference room is equipped with thermostatic radiator
valves, they must be set to their fully open position
In the event of a power failure at the REV-R.03/1, the relay will
be deenergized.
If in normal operation REV-R.03/1 does receive for more than
25 minutes a very weak or no control telegram from
REV23.03RF, LED_1 starts to flash in red.
If control telegram is still understood correctly, receiver
continues with normal operation. If control telegram is not
understood anymore, relay remains in last position being
switched to before.
As soon as REV-R.03/1 does receive any correct control
telegram from REV23.03RF again, receiver continuous with
normal operation
In case of error, REV-R.03/1 switches off relay approximately
60 minutes after reception of last correct control telegram.
The controlled device is also switched off and LED_1 flashes
in red.
As soon as REV-R.03/1 does receive any correct control
telegram from REV23.03RF again, receiver continuous with
normal operation
Commissioning RF Set
Switch on REV23.03RF
Remove the battery transit tab (also refer to Fig. F): As soon
as the battery transit tab is removed, the unit starts to operate.
Mount REV-R.03/1 temporarly
If possible, mount receiver temporarly in a first run (e.g. double
coated tape). Doing that, location of best RF reception can be
identified later on.
See clause “5 Find location of best reception“
Completely wire and mount REV-R.03/1 temporarly. Proceed
according Fig. H to M (please also close front cover)
Link REV-R.03/1 with REV23.03RF
a) Switch on power at REV-R.03/1: LED_1 (Fig. H) lights always
in red or flashes in red
b) Press the "RESET“ button on REV-R.03/1 for about
4 seconds: The orange LED_2 (Fig. H) will flash very fast
and briefly (stored address of REV23.03RF will be erased)
Press the "SET“ button (set / learn) for about 3 sec. until the
orange LED starts flashing slowly and continuously: Receiver
is now in learning mode
d) The receiver stays max. 25 minutes in learning mode. If no
learning telegram from REV23.03RF is received during that
period of time, repeat steps b) and c) again
e) Press the ESC button
on REV23.03RF for about
4 seconds. Learning telegram is transmitted
If REV-R.03/1 receives learning telegram, the orange LED_2
flashes fast and briefly
g) If the orange LED_2 is steady on, the relay is energized
(= controlled device ON)
h) If the orange LED_2 is dark, the relay is deenergized
(= controlled device OFF)
Depending on the operating state, REV23.03RF repeats the
ON or OFF control telegram every 3 minutes. With this the
relay will be switched ON or OFF according to control telegram
latest after 3 minutes
If REV-R.03/1 does not receive any correct control telegram
within 60 minutes, controlled device is being switched off and
LED_1 flashes in red
In the event of a power failure at the REV-R.03/1, the relay will
be deenergized.
4 Site
Site REV23.03RF at preferred location for mounting at wall or
setting up with stand. Remove the unit from its base by
proceeding according to Fig. A:
- for wall mount, refer to Figs. B, C and D
- for set up with stand, refer to Fig. E
Also refer to “Mounting and siting notes REV23.03RF and
Find location of best RF reception
a) Switch off power at REV-R.03/1
b) Switch on REV23.03RF, site at prefered location and press
override button
for about 4 seconds: REV23.03RF
transmits test telegrams every 2 seconds. Transmission of test
telegrams stopps automatically after 10 minutes or after
pressing either “ESC” button or override button
Switch on power at REV-R.03/1
d) Observe both LEDs on REV-R.03/1 from a distance of
2…3 meters
e) Orange LED_2 must flash briefly every 2 seconds.
Does LED_2 not flash every 2 seconds, distance between
REV23.03RF and REV-R.03/1 is too far. Mount REV-R.03/1
closer to REV23.03RF
LED_1 shows received signal strength of last telegram:
LED_1 flashes red:
Signal is too weak to get a durable
durable link. Mount REV-R.03/1
closer to REV23.03RF
LED_1 flashes green: We distinguish between three
signal strenghts:
Very good (flashes 3x),
Good (flashes 2x) and
satisfactory (flashes 1x).
As soon as LED_1 flashes in green,
link between REV23.03RFand
REV-R.03/1 is basically ok.
g) Move REV-R.03/1 within an area of approximately 1 square
meter to find location of best RF reception. Always observe
LEDs from a distance of 2…3 meters.
To get a durable link, we recommend to site REV-R.03/1 at
a location where signal strength is at least “Good”.
Explanation to LED_1 and LED_2
LED_1 lights always in red:
LED_1 flashes in red:
LED_1 flashes 3 times in green:
LED_1 flashes 2 times in green:
LED_1 flashes 1 time in green:
Red on
Red off
No REV23.03RF linked
Red on
Red off
Signal strength too weak
Green on
Green off
Signal strength: Very good
1 2 3
1 2 3
Green on
Green off
Signal strength: Good
1 2
1 2
Green on
Green off
Signal strength: Satisfactory