Tips for Integrating with an OPC client
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
The instructions below refer to Windows XP. If you are using Windows 2000,
please contact the Technical Support.
Fig. 73 Selecting the computer DCOM configuration
You have to be authorized to use dcomcnfg.exe (administrator) - ask your
system administrator to set your DCOM if you are not;
Some changes in DCOM settings require rebooting the computer for
changes to take an effect (for example, DCOM enable/disable).
General DCOM settings
General tab
This tab only contains an optional Description field, which you can use to store
a comment text.
Options tab
The Options tab contains some general parameters that should be kept in the
default settings unless you have very a specific reason for modifying them. The
default values are:
Transaction timeout (sec) = 60
Application Proxy RSN = < blank >
Check local store … = Enabled
Default Properties tab
Check ‘Enable Distributed COM on this computer’. In addition, make sure that
the Default Authorization Level shows ‘Connect’ and the Default Impersonation
Level are set to ‘Identify’. Uncheck the ‘Additional security for reference track-
ing’ box (match the settings below in Fig. 74).