Tips & tricks, settings
Gigaset V.24 Adapter dt/eng:A30853-X400-B104-3-74D1
PC - PC direct cable connection problems: examples
Other modem drivers installed continue to operate at the same
COM port (special ISDN TA drivers, CAPI modem drivers or sim-
ilar software are often the cause of the problem).
Once successfully put into service, you can start up the direct
cable connection at both PCs. Remember that one PC must be
set as host and the other as guest. Access to files should also
be released via the settings Network/File and Print Sharing. Fi-
nally, the subfolders to be accessed by the guest must be re-
leased via the Explorer.
MAC and other operating systems
In general, Gigaset M101 Data can be implemented at every
RS232/V.24 interface if data transfer is performed transparently
and not on a company-specific basis (exception: AVM and
Eumex) or with AT Hayes commands.
However, both Gigaset M101 Data units must first be config-
ured and registered at a Windows 95/98/NT system. When pro-
gramming a modem connection, ensure that the Gigaset M101
Data unit is connected to the correct device. To do this, we rec-
ommend that you place a sticker, e.g. marked modem or PC, un-
der the Gigaset M101 Data unit so that the correct device is con-
nected later.
Meaning of "lokale Station" and "Partnerstation"
These designations are used for assigning names and indicating
stations in data traffic. "Local station" refers to the station that
undertakes all configuration operations (also for the "Partnersta-
tion"). This means that in the case of a direct cable connection,
Gigaset M101 Data setup does not have to be installed on the
second PC.
Meaning of "Basis" and "Teilnehmer"
This is an assignment in DECT radio engineering (FP = fixed
part, PP=portable part) and only applies to the air interface.
"Base" is a Gigaset telephone base station. In this case, "Teilne-
hmer" refers to a mobile unit. This is defined, for example,
through the registration option. Only one Gigaset M101 Data
"Teilnehmer" can be registered at a Gigaset M101 Data "Basis".
Meaning of local, remote
is set, the Gigaset M101 Data connected behaves
like a modem/device and performs the PC COM port function.
is set, the Gigaset M101 Data connected be-
haves like a PC and performs the function of the connected de-