Reports and customer texts
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Building Technologies
Fire System
4.4 Reports and customer texts
4.4.1 Reading out information
The 'FXS2061-O Wireless Diagnostic Tool' software can read information from the
wireless components.
Reading out directly
Reading out can take place directly on the device via radio.
Distance between 'FDUZ227 MCL-USB adapter (radio)' and the device: max. 10 m.
Reading out the memory
Reading out can take place on the radio gateway via radio or cable.
Distance between 'FDUZ227 MCL-USB adapter (radio)' and the radio gateway:
max. 10 m.
The radio gateway collects data on all devices in its radio cell and saves it.
The data is automatically saved for the first time four hours after commissioning is
completed. The intervals for automatic updating of the data can be set.
Updating the data collection
The data is updated immediately when the following is selected: 'Trigger data
collection' in the 'Network' main menu. See chapter 'Menu bar [ 20]' for more
Updating can take up to two hours depending on the range of the radio cell.
To display the result in the 'Gateway device list', select 'Get gateway device list'.
4.4.2 Live data
Querying live data
The table below shows the possible 'Live data':
Possible live data
Radio gateway
Get gateway device list
Get connectivity state
Get neighbourhood table
Get connectivity state
Get neighbourhood table
Get battery level
Get total running time
2. Select the menu.
1. Select 'Live data'.
The values of the selected 'Live data' are updated.
This can take several minutes depending on the range of the query.
The values of the 'Live data' are displayed and marked with the text ’Age of
data collection [days]' in the 'Live data' column. Marking is carried out as soon
as a value is up to date.