Battery indicator
37 | 64
Building Technologies
Fire System
3.7 Battery indicator
The charge state is displayed in five levels.
When the battery is connected, the indicator is activated and is always set
automatically to 100 %.
This also applies to partially empty batteries.
Example: A battery with a service life of four years displays a charge state of 50 %
after two years of use. If the battery connector is removed from the device and then
connected again, the device recognizes it as a new battery and displays the charge
state as 100 %.
Only use new, charged batteries in order to get reliable information about the
remaining service life of the battery.
The 'LowBatt' indicator means that only the reserve battery is active.
Figure 18: Battery indicator
75...100 %
The charge state is 75...100 %.
50...75 %
The charge state is 50...75 %.
25...50 %
The charge state is 25...50 %.
<25 %
The charge state is less than 25 %.
The battery is empty and the reserve battery is active.
<25 %
25...50 %
50...75 %
75...100 %