Control System from Siemens Industry, Inc. is a powerful intelligent
fire alarm control system with in-building mass notification capabilities.
—the most advanced fire detection technology in the world.
is designed to provide the most reliable life safety and property protec-
tion at the lowest system life cycle cost available anywhere. FireFinder-XLS has been
architected to be easy to install, commission and operate. The FireFinder-XLS System is
totally modular to satisfy
any size building’s
fire alarm and mass notification needs.
A basic
control system consists of a PMI, a PMI-2, or a PMI-3 operator
interface and central processor, a PSC-12 power supply and battery charger, a PTB
power termination board, a DLC intelligent device loop controller or MLC MXL line card
loop driver, and ZIC-4A zone indicating card.
The basic two DLC loop system can monitor up to 252 intelligent detectors and
devices; the MLC’s two circuits can each monitor up to 60 MXL intelligent field
devices and device accessories (relay bases, audible bases, and remote lamps) for a
total of 120 devices. A basic FireFinder-XLS system provides up to 12 Amps of 24VDC
power for use in driving the basic 4 notification appliance circuits. These supervised
notification appliance circuits can be software configured for a wide variety of func-
tions—such as standard NAC operation (bells, horns, chimes), strobes (synchronized or
non-synchronized), coded audibles (Temporal Code 3, Marchtime, Zone Coded, etc.),
Municipal Tie, Leased Line, Extinguishing agent releasing (HFC-227ea or Halon) or
sprinkler pre-action and deluge applications. The PMI/PMI-2/PMI-3’s large easy-to-read
VGA display simplifies system operator control.
By adding intelligent loop controller cards, a basic FireFinder-XLS system can be
expanded to support up to 2500 intelligent detectors and devices spread across a
flexible number of DLC or MLC (Fire only) loops. The system can also be expanded
by adding additional CC-5 cardcages and power supplies to support conventional
Form C relay modules, network interface cards for remote enclosure communication,
conventional detectors and devices and solid state output modules—typically for use
in driving graphic annunciators.
The FireFinder-XLS system’s operator interface is designed to make status informa-
tion presentation clear and system control functions simple to operate. Through the
use of soft function buttons on the system’s display, the user can easily “Acknowl-
edge” events, “Silence” or “Unsilence” building audibles, or “Reset” the system. The
system status presentation is structured to allow the different types of system
events (such as Alarm, Supervisory, and Trouble) to be viewed independently. Each
system event presents the user with a custom message describing the location and
the type of event (eg. manual alarm, smoke, heat or waterflow). If additional details
about the nature of the alarm report or its location are required, the user can depress
the illuminated “More Info” button. Additional text messages, device specific details
and simple graphic maps tell the user where they are in the building relative to the