Programming the program blocks (OUC)
5.1 Program blocks for OUC
CP 1243-8 IRC
Operating Instructions, 06/2015, C79000-G8976-C385-01
Connection descriptions in system data types (SDTs)
For the connection description, the blocks listed above use the parameter CONNECT (or
MAIL_ADDR_PARAM with TMAIL_C). The connection description is stored in a data block
whose structure is specified by the system data type (SDT).
Creating an SDT for the data blocks
You create the SDT required for every connection description as a data block. You generate
the SDT type in STEP 7 by entering the name "TCON_Param" or "TCON_Phone" in the
"Data type" box manually in the declaration table of block instead of selecting an entry from
the "Data type" drop-down list. The corresponding SDT is then created with its parameters.
Using the SDT
For transferring frames via TCP
For transferring frames via UDP
For transferring frames via ISO-on-TCP (communication between two S7-1200 stations)
For transferring SMS messages
For transferring e-mails addressing the e-mail server using an IPv4 address
For transferring e-mails addressing the e-mail server using an IPv6 address
You will find the description of the SDTs with their parameters in the STEP 7 information
system under the relevant name.
Connection establishment and termination
Connections are established using the program block TCON. Note that a separate program
block TCON must be called for each connection.
A separate connection must be established for each communications partner even if
identical blocks of data are being sent.
After a successful transfer of the data, a connection can be terminated. A connection is also
terminated by calling "TDISCON".
Connection abort
If an existing connection is aborted by the communications partner or due to disturbances on
the network, the connection must also be terminated by calling TDISCON. Make sure that
you take this into account in your programming.