EXC-GT – FM super-compact transmitter series
User’s manual – Page 49 of 98
This section’s sole purpose is to provide general explanations about the device operation in order to simplify the
maintenance by skilled personnel authorized by Siel. As already mentioned, no internal adjustments are required for
normal operation. Tampering with the internal settings renders the warranty null and void and could seriously damage
the equipment, compromising the guaranteed performance.
Several modules are highly specialized and difficult to repair even by skilled technicians and must therefore be
replaced with new modules, and, if possible, sent to the manufacturer in order to verify the possibility of a repair.
Any inspection of the described modules must be carried out with the cover removed and, in many cases, with the
equipment connected to the mains power supply. Although some energized parts are insulated and difficult to reach,
this involves the risk of accidental contact with the mains voltage. In order to avoid this, use only insulated tools and
never touch the power supply transformer, the main switch or the power sockets when the equipment is connected to
the mains.
Do not operate the equipment without the covers properly screwed on. If the top cover is removed, malfunctioning of
the equipment may occur, as well as of any other electronic measuring instrument, owing to the strong R.F. fields
All modules can be accessed and easily replaced with little, if any, adjustment, usually with no soldering needed.
Please make reference to the diagrams in Section 16. The equipment is composed of the following elements...