Electrical installation
Important notes
Risk of injury and damage caused by electrical current!
Due to equipotential bonding currents, incorrect earthing can lead to the following
dangers and faults: Voltage is applied to the metal housing, cable fires due to cable
shields heating up, the product and other devices become damaged.
Generate the same ground potential at all grounding points.
Ground the equipotential bonding via the functional ground connection with a low
impedance (use standard cable lug with M3 hole).
Device damage due to improper supply voltage!
Only operate the device with the specified supply voltage.
The voltage supply and all connected signals must meet the requirements for
extra-low voltages with safe separation (SELV) as specified in EN 61010. The
external voltage supply of the device must bridge a short-term power interruption
of 20 ms in order to meet the requirements of EN 60204-1.
Only devices that are also supplied with safety extra-low voltage must be con‐
Layout of data cables
Use screened data cables with twisted-pair wires.
Implement the screening design correctly and completely.
To avoid interference, e.g. from switching power supplies, motors, clocked drives,
and contactors, always use cables and layouts that are suitable for EMC.
Do not lay cables over long distances in parallel with power supply cables and
motor cables in cable channels.
Preparing the electrical installation
To carry out the electrical installation, you will need:
Connection cables for the peripheral devices, including the corresponding data
Voltage supply cable
If customers assemble the cables: crimping tool, ferrules, soldering iron, and other
installation material
Preparing the cables
For a list of cables suitable for use with the device, see:
Customer assembly of the cables is only necessary in special cases. Ensure a sufficient
length of cable is provided, e.g., for strain-relief clamps.
8025454/1BLK/2021-03-30 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | SIM2000ST-E
Subject to change without notice