8018478/YWL5/2018-06| SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | NAV245
Subject to change without notice
Beam diameter and measuring point distance
As the distance from the NAV245 increases, the laser beam of the NAV245 expands. As a
result, the diameter of the measuring point increases on the surface of the object.
The range-dependent diameter of the measuring point corresponds to the distance (mm) ×
0.015 rad + 8 mm.
Fig. 26: Beam expansion
Similarly, as the distance from the NAV245 increases, the individual measuring points also
grow further apart from one another. The range-dependent distance between the
measuring points corresponds to the tangent of the angular resolution × distance.
Fig. 27: Schematic diagram of the measuring point distance
The graph in
Fig. “Beam diameter and measuring point distance at 0 to 50 m”
shows the
beam diameter and the measuring point distance depending on the distance to the NAV245.
Optical axis
Expanded laser beam
Beam diameter on the optical
cover = 8 mm
Scan with 0.25°
angular resolution
Measuring point