Ordercode: 43740
Helix M1000 Q4 Mobile
6.2. Dimmer Speed
With this menu you can set the dimmer speed.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select FAST or SMOOTH.
Press the SET button to confirm your choice.
6.3. DMX Fail
With this menu you can set the device’s behavior in case of a DMX failure.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select one of the 4 options:
OFF: The device will black out the light output
HOLD: The device will use last properly received DMX signal, ensuring undisrupted performance
MANUAL: The device will switch to Manual mode
PROGRAM: The device will run the built-in programs
Press the SET button to confirm your choice.
6.4. Working Time
With this menu you can set the working time of the Helix.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select one of the 16 options:
OFF: Turns off the working time setting and the device runs at maximum power, until the battery
is depleted.
1–15H: Unit working hours, that means limited power operation based on current battery