P1 and P2 are determined based on the direction.
Standard function such as force limit which is Force in Continuous can be found.
Speed of the test is set from the setting window unlike the previous two programs
where the adjustments are entered on the main window.
Start and Stop replaced the UP and Down buttons from Manual and Single
Note: The test stand is rated for 9999 cycles, but the PC software may perform
less depending on the availability of resources from the host PC.
Tare function should also be observed when activated on P2. The force gauge is
designed to shift zero when requested to tare values under load.
The force gauge is showing a compressed reading of 5 lbs when a request of
tare is sent. The force gauge will show zero while on load (0.2% of FS) but after
the test is completed and it goes back to home the force gauge will indicate -5 to
compensate for the zero shifts.