- 50 -
Set user name/password of
the DDNS service registered
in the service provider
Normal WORD type/CODE type, max
64 bytes
User Domain
Set the domain of the DDNS
service provided by the
service provider
Normal WORD type, max 64 bytes
Update Interval
Set the interval of the DDNS
client obtains new IP,
suggest 240s or above
Value area: 120
Unit: seconds
Step 4
Click “save”to complete DDNS configuration
DDNS in China: 88IP (www.88ip.net), 3322 (www.3322.org)
DDNS outside of China: DNSEXIT (www.dnsexit.com), ZONEEDIT(www.zoneedti.com),
CHANGEIP(www.changeip.com), DYNDNS(www.members.dyndns.org)
Afer router reboots, IP address which SIM/UIM gets from ISPs will change. If user uses DDNS in
remote login, no matter the IP address changes, he can Log-on the router.
SNMP configuration
Simple Network Management Protocol)can monitor routers remotely and get to know
the status of routers (Support interface status check, like VPN, modem etc. MIB of our
company shall be used).
Step 1
Log-on WEB GUI of H8959-4GSPT Cellular router .
Step 2
Click “Applications > SNMP” to open the “SNMP” tab.