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Diese Anweisungen sind nur für das SHE-Servicecenter!
Der Service bzw. die Reparatur darf nur von einem qualifizierten
Kältemitteltechniker, dem es erlaubt ist das R290-Kältemittel handzuhaben,
durchgeführt werden.
Versuchen Sie daher niemals das Gerät selbst zu reparieren oder das Gehäuse
zu öffnen
dies führt zum sofortigen Verlust des Garantieanspruchs.
These instructions are only for the SHE-Service center!
A Service or repairing of the device must only be performed by a qualified
technician who is allowed to handle the R290 refrigerant.
Do not attempt to repair or open the case of the air conditioner yourself
leads to the immediate loss oft he warranty.
1.Checks to the area
Prior to beginning work on systems containing flammable refrigerants, safety checks are necessary to ensure
that the risk of ignition is minimised.For repair to the refrigerating system, the following precautions shall be
complied with prior to conducting work on the system.
Work procedure
Work shall be undertaken under a controlled procedure so as to minimise the risk of a flammable gas or
vapour being present while the work is being performed.
2.General work area
All maintenance staff and others working in the local area shall be instructed on the nature of work being
carried out. Work in confined spaces shall be avoided. The area around the workspace shall be sectioned off.
Ensure that the conditions within the area have been made safe by control of flammable material.
3.Checking for presence of refrigerant
The area shall be checked with an appropriate refrigerant detector prior to and during work, to ensure the
technician is aware of potentially flammable atmospheres. Ensure that the leak detection equipment being
used is suitable for use with flammable refrigerant, i.e.nonsparking , adequately sealed or intrinsically safe.
4.Presence of fire extinguisher
If any hot work is to be conducted on the refrigeration equipment or any associated parts, appropriate fire
extinguishing equipment shall be available to hand. Have a dry powder or CO2 fire extinguisher adjacent to
the charging area.