D - 12
D: DNP 3.0 Protocol Assignments
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
These points are formatted as 2's complement integers. They can be used to convert
from units in terms of the Secondary of a CT or PT into units in terms of the Primary
of a CT or PT. The ratio of Numerator divided by Denominator is the ratio of Primary to
Shark® 100 meters typically use Full Scales relating Primary Current to 5A and
Primary Voltage to 120V. However, these Full scales can range from mAs to thousands
of kAs, and from mVs, to thousands of kVs. Following are example settings:
CT Example Settings
200 Amps: Set the Ct-n value for 200 and the Ct-S value for 1.
800 Amps: Set the Ct-n value for 800 and the Ct-S value for 1.
2,000 Amps: Set the Ct-n value for 2000 and the Ct-S value for 1.
10,000 Amps:Set the Ct-n value for 1000 and the Ct-S value for 10.
: CT Denominator is fixed at 5 for 5A units; CT Denominator is fixed at 1 for 1A
PT Example Settings
277 Volts (Reads 277 Volts): Pt-n value is 277, Pt-d value is 277, Pt-S value is 1.
120 Volts (Reads 14,400 Volts): Pt-n value is 1440, Pt-d value is 120, Pt-S value is 10.
69 Volts (Reads 138,000 Volts): Pt-n value is 1380, Pt-d value is 69, Pt-S value is 100.
115 Volts (Reads 347,000 Volts): Pt-n value is 3470, Pt-d value is 115, Pt-S value is
69 Volts (Reads 347,000 Volts): Pt-n value is 347, Pt-d value is 69, Pt-S value is 1000.