Giotto 1500
User’s Manual 1.02
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RDM (Remote Device Management)
RDM stands for Remote Device Management. This is the colloquial name for the ANSI E1.20
standard in development at ESTA
RDM is intended to allow bi-directional communication over the
DMX512 cable. This will occur on the twisted pair connected to pins 2 and 3. This same pair of
wires is used to transmit data from the console to the dimmers or moving lamps.
The large benefit of this approach as opposed to using the spare pins 4 and 5, is that RDM can be
retrofitted to installations wired with single pair cable.
RDM will provide the following benefits:
Ability for the console to set the base address of the lamp. There will no longer be a need for
DIP switches.
Plug and Play. The console will be able to search all the DMX512 devices and then
automatically patch them.
Fixture Personality: it will be possible for the console to use RDM to download personalities
direct from the moving lamp.
RDM devices can send status and fault information back to the console.
RDM Command
Dmx Start Address
It allows to read and set up device’s DMX address
Dmx Delay
It allows to read and set up Dmx Delay value
Pan Invert
It allows to read and set up how Pan works (normal/reverse)
Tilt Invert
It allows to read and set up how Tilt works (normal/reverse)
Pan Tilt Swap
It allows to read and set up Pan and Tilt’s configuration (Swap/NoSwap)
Device Hours
It allows to read and reset device’s hours of life
Lamp Hours
It allows to read and reset lamp’s hours of life
Lamp Strikes
It allows to read and reset the number of times the lamp has been
switched on
Lamp State
It allows to read lamp’s state (switched on or switched off)
Lamp On Mode
It allows to enable or disable lamp control via dmx and to read its
current configuration
Display Invert
It allows to reverse or not the writing on the display and to read its
current configuration
Display Level
It allows to read and set up display’s brightness level
Sensor Definition
It allows to read the definition of device’s temperature sensors
Sensor Value
It allows to read the values of device’s temperature sensors
Factory Defaults
It allows to reset device’s default configuration
It allows to reset the configuration the device had before the use of
Factory Defaults control
Reset Device
It allows to reset the device
Identify Device
It allows to identify the device by getting Pan and Tilt to move
Device Info
It provides information about the device like the number of dmx
channels and the setted dmx address
Product Detail ID List
It provides device model’s code
Device Model Description
It provides a brief description of the device
Manufacturer Label
It provides device’s manufacturer label
Software Version Label
It provides a brief description of device’s software version label
Supported Parameters
It provides the list of not obligatory RDM commands implemented on the
Parameter Description
It provides the list of not standard RDM commands implemented on the
Disc Unique Branch
It allows to read device’s RDM code
Disc Mute
It prevents the device from responding during discovery procedure
Disc Un Mute
It allows the device to respond during discovery procedure.