Security Features
User Authentication.
If desired, access to live video can be restricted to known users.
Users will have to enter their username and password before being able to view the video
Password-Protected Configuration
. Configuration data can be password protected, so
that it only can be changed by the Network Camera Administrator.
Wireless Features
Supports 11n Wireless Stations.
The 802.11n Draft standard provides for backward
compatibility with the 802.11b standard, so 802.11n, 802.11b and 802.11g Wireless
stations can be used simultaneously.
Wired and Wireless Network Support.
The Network Camera supports either wired or
wireless transmission.
WEP Support
. Full WEP support (64/128 Bit) on the Wireless interface is provided.
WPA/WPA2 Support
. The WPA Personal/WPA2 Personal standard is also supported,
allowing advanced encryption of wireless data.
WPS Support.
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) can simplify the process of connecting any
device to the wireless network by using the push button configuration (PBC) on the
Wireless Access Point, or entering a PIN code if there's no button.