This sets the port number for HTTP/HTTPS connections to the
Camera, whether for administration or viewing video.
The HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is used for the standard
of transferring files (text, graphic images and other multimedia
files) on the World Wide Web. The default HTTP port is 1024.
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) can provide more
secure communication with the SSL/TLS protocol, which support
data encryption to HTTP clients and servers. The default HTTPS
port is 1025.
The Secondary port can be used for DDNS, other service and when
more than 2 cameras are in use.
If enabled, you can connect using either port 80 or the Secondary
port. You must enter the Secondary port number (between 1024 to
65535) in the field provided.
Note that when using a port number which is not 80, you must
specify the port number in the URL. For example, if the Camera's
IP address was and the Secondary port was 1024,
you would specify the URL for the Camera as follows:
The RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol), a standard for
connected client(s) to control streaming data (MPEG-4) over the
World Wide Web. Enter the RTSP Port number (between 1024 and
65535) in the field provided. The default RTSP Port is 554.
The RTP (Real Time Transport Protocol), an Internet protocol for
transmitting real-time data such as audio and video.
Max RTP Data Packet
field will let users limit the size of the file.
Enter the desired value between 400 and 1400.
Note: RTSP and RTP settings are for cell phone only.
Multicast RTP/RTSP
Enable Multicast
Enable the feature as required.
Video Address
Enter the address of video (Streaming 1 only).
Video Port
Enter the desired value (between 1024 to 65534) in the field
provided. The number you entered must be even values.
Audio Address
Enter the address of the audio.
Audio Port
Enter the desired value (between 1024 to 65534) in the field
provided. The number you entered must be even values.
Time to Live
Enter the desired length of time, if the packets fail to be delivered
to their destination within. The Time to Live you entered must be
in-between 1 to 255.
Enable Discovery
If enabled, the Network Camera will broadcast its availability
through UPnP. UPnP compatible systems such as Windows XP will
then be able to detect the presence of the Network Camera.