Trigger Event
Check to perform all of the event(s) that were configured and
Select the desired option for the events interval. (* "0" = No Delay)
Trigger by
PIR - If the PIR sensor detects a human body, it will be used to
trigger events.
Input - This describes the states that the input must be in for an
event to be triggered. Only one input can be used, also note that
the states for the input used must first be reached before the
event will be triggered.
Audio Detection - The sound detection can be used to trigger
Motion Detection - Movement in a motion detection window
can be used to trigger events.
E-Mail - If checked, an E-Mail (with "Attachment") will be
delivered to the SMTP server. (SMTP Server must be
configured on the E-Mail page.)
FTP - If checked, an FTP upload will be activated to the FTP
server. (FTP servers must be configured on the FTP page.)
Output Port - If checked, the output port state will be activated
as configured. (Output port must first be configured on the I/O
Port page.)
HTTP - If checked, a HTTP CGI command will be delivered to
the HTTP server.
SMB/CIFS - If checked, JPEG image(s) or video files will be
uploaded to the SMB server. (SMB must first be enabled and
configured on the SMB Client page.)
SD - If checked, the SD card state will be activated, and the avi
files will be saved in the SD card.
Attachment Type
Streaming Channel
- Select the desired type for the video file.
Pre/Post Capture
- Select the desired length. The size of the
file depends on this setting, and also the Video size and degree
of compression.