Operation of the winch requires a skilled operator.
2.5 General information
Any use of the winch may create risks of injuries to the operator and the general
safety of people in the area as well as damage to the winch itself and other
equipment used in connection with its operation.
It is only the operator’s awareness of the necessary safety precautions and his/her
sound judgment that can eliminate or reduce the risks of personal injuries.
It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that all appropriate precautions are
taken as required by the working environment and conditions in each individual
Neither this document nor observing and applying its instructions absolve the
operator or owner from their joint responsibilities to ensure the actual
implementation of all precautions or the observance of all warnings.
If anyone becomes aware of any SEPSON supplied product or SEPSON originated
design that can create a risk to an individual working with or within the vicinity of the
product, it is an obligation to contact SEPSON immediately.
It is the user’s responsibility to make all relevant hazard identifications and risk
assessment of all activities associated with the use of both the product and this
It is solely the user’s and the owner’s joint responsibility to provide a safe working
environment and to provide the necessary safety equipment and ensure that
everybody who is depending on this document, understands the instructions,
warnings and caution and that they are able to operate the equipment in
accordance with these instructions.
Should an operator lack the knowledge, experience or skills to work in accordance
with the safety or other instructions in this document, immediate assistance should
be requested from SEPSON. Technical assistance sought from SEPSON will be
subject to SEPSON terms and conditions.