Menu outputs and sockets
If you want the system to stop feeding in the event of an alarm (e.g. low water level),
activate this item.
Light stimulation
If you use the SENECT hatchery fry feeder, you can switch on the integrated LED lamp
before feeding (turn on time) and switch it off again a certain time after feeding (turn off
time). If the light is to be dimmed slowly, you can specify this with the start-up duration.
This function is used to improve the condition of the fish, so that the fish are attracted to
feed with the help of the light and less food is lost.
To calibrate the automatic feeder, select the menu item "Calibration / Calibration point
1". Collect the feed dispensed in 5 s, weigh it and enter the weighed feed quantity. Repeat
this for the second calibration point (10 s). Afterwards the calculated feed mass appears
when entering the feeding time.
Submenu Environment-based feeding
The settings for the respective additional functions are made in the sub-menu
"Environment-based feeding":
Environment-based feeding
Sensor Plug
Low O2 protection
Air pressure
Min. Temperature
Max. Temperature
Temperature Correction
A sensor value is required for various additional functions (e.g. O2 protection). In the
Sensor plug menu, specify the sensor from which the sensor values are to be taken into
account for the function.
Under "Low O2 protection" enter the oxygen saturation, under "Air pressure" the
minimum air pressure under which no more feeding should take place. With the help of
"Min. Temperature" and "Max. Temperature" you can define the temperature window in
which feeding should take place. In the menu "Temperature Correction" you can store the
temperature dependent feeding recommendations of the feed manufacturer.