For each sensor measured value, alarm thresholds can be specified in the sensor menu. If
these thresholds are exceeded or not reached, an alarm is triggered. In the filter mode an
alarm is triggered if the dry run or overflow protection becomes active (e.g. too little water
in the filter chamber).
An alarm is active until its cause is eliminated (e.g. sensor measured value below upper
alarm threshold again) or it is switched off manually.
The alarm can also be paused for a certain time, e.g. to carry out work on the system
(Control: Menu/System Settings/Alarm/Alarm Pause; App: In Control, click on top field
with Serial-No.
Button: "Pause alarm for..."). To be reminded of the alarm at regular
intervals (e.g. every 30 min), this can also be set in the Menu/System
Settings/Alarm/Alarm recall.
With the help of the temporary alarm thresholds, the alarm thresholds can be temporarily
changed so that the sensor only reports an alarm if the temporary alarm thresholds are
undershot / exceeded.
The alarm is shown in the top line of the display as a flashing exclamation mark, the
SENECT® Control unit sends a push message to the registered mobile devices (e.g.
smartphone/ tablet), an email to all registered email addresses, switches all outputs with
the function "Alarm" or the additional function "Alarm coupling" and switches this output
(potential-free normally closed contact / normally open contact) for control units with
Extra Alarm output.
To forward the alarm externally, the signal can also be forwarded to a GSM module (e.g.
for telephone call or SMS) or a building surveillance system. For this purpose, the electrical
signal of an output must be used.