Take the RIGHT Side Panel and slide this onto the Deck Supports 1 – 3. Take 3 x RB Batons and slide these under the RIGHT
Side of the Deck Supports in the groove. Push / locate these RB Batons so they are flush with the ends of the supports.
Drill through the marker points in the Deck Supports into the RB Batons below by 50 mm and using a 4 mm Drill bit. Secure with
3 x TX25 screws in each Baton.
Take 6 more M10 x 35 CSK Bolts and 6 T Nuts. Please note that these T Nuts FLOAT (They are not fixed with screws) so that
the RIGHT Landing platform can move in and out to close the gap when you adjust the side panels to your wheel.
Loosely hold the T nut with the positive part in the slot of the Deck Support. Catch the thread of the T Nut from above, through
the top surface of the RIGHT Landing Platform. These can be left loose at this stage.