SMD 989
– User Manual
Page 15 (105)
SMD 910 Option (Single or Multistream/IF Output)
The SMD 910 Module option offers single stream or S2 multistream modulation. A single stream
input is selected with one of the ASI and IP inputs to the modulator. There is one IP input port and
four ASI ports available by default and come standard. The user is allowed to select the desired
input in the front panel, web interface, and/or SNMP. Multistream permits multiple input selections
up to 6 streams via the ASI or IP inputs. The IF Out port provides the modulated IF output which
is 70 MHz by default but user selectable between 70 and 140 MHz.
Figure 4: SMD 910 single TS input with IF output
The SMD 910 option has three different types of I/O as shown in Figure 4.
Data input (RJ45 10/100/1000 auto detect speed & status)
ASI inputs (75 ohm BNC connectors x4)
IF output (75 ohm BNC connector)
SMD 912(A) Option (Single Stream/IF Output)
The SMD 912 or SMD 912A Module option offers a single TS stream modulation. A single stream
input to the modulator is selected through either the ASI or IP inputs. There are two IP input ports
and two ASI input ports available by default and come standard. The user is allowed to select the
desired input in the front panel, web interface, and/or SNMP. The IF Out port provides the
modulated IF output which is user selectable between 70 and 140 MHz. The MON OUT (monitor
output) provides a fixed L-band test output at a frequency of 1100 MHz. The monitor output
simultaneously provides a second IF output which mirrors the selected IF output frequency with a
level that is
– 20 dB in respect to the IF Out port level. The SMD 912 provides an IF output level
range from -30 to -5 dBm while the SMD 912A output range is -20 to +5 dBm.
The SDM 912(A) option has four different types of I/O as shown in Figure 5.
Data inputs (RJ45 10/100/1000 auto detect speed & status x2)
ASI inputs (75 ohm BNC connector x2)
Monitor output (75 ohm BNC connector)
IF output (75 ohm BNC connector)
Figure 5: SMD 912(A) single TS input with monitor and IF output